How to import a list of questions to the Q&A / Interview?

It is now possible to make a batch import of questions for your Dilmot Q&A or interview

When you want to insert a bunch of questions for the Q&A / Interview that you would like to publish with Dilmot, this new feature will save you a lot of time. The alternative to using this bulk import method would be to enter a question at a time, using the form.

Just prepare a simple text file with the list of questions you want to import into the stream. For example:

Ann: How long ago did you start preparing your last movie?

John: What did you think about the critics you received in Cannes?

Kim: When are you planning your next tour in Spain?

The syntax has 3 rules:
- One question per line
- Separate the name of the person and the question with a colon before the question
- Leave a blank line between questions

Then, save the file as a .txt file and go ahead and import it. The menu shows inside the admin stream page.

Import questions to the Q&A or Interview you publish with Dilmot

Import questions to the Q&A or Interview you publish with Dilmot

Select the file with the questions in the above explained format.

The imported questions will be shown for your confirmation beforehand

The imported questions will be shown for your confirmation beforehand

If there is any problem, cancel and make sure that the .txt file is properly formated. If it is like you like, just confirm the action.

There is also the possibility to import questions and answers, a closed stream. But for the moment this action is reserved to premium accounts.

Get in touch with us to get support regarding this new functionality. We hope you enjoy it and saves you time in your daily Q&A work.

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