Author Archives: admin

Allow questions and comments in a Google Hangout on Air video for all users

We all love Google Hangouts and Google Hangout on Air, and they can be broadcasted as a YouTube video stream. So it is really one of the backbone services of today web. Forget about other video streaming solutions because they are all extremely restrictive.

But if you have organised a Hangout inside Google+ you will have noticed that in order to comment or make questions the users need to have a Google+ account. How can you allow them to make questions if they don’t have a Google+ account? Well, here is the pain point where Dilmot can help you out.

With Dilmot you can manage a stream of questions and answers in real-time. It works like a chat but it is moderated, meaning that nothing will be published unless you (the “moderator”) allows it. This stream can be embedded in any website, so you can put in one place the video embed and below it you can put the Q&A / chat / comment feed that Dilmot will provide you with.

In the following image you can see how it worked for one of the Dilmot users. We would like to remark that opening an account in Dilmot is free. There is also a Pro account with premium features available if you would like to enjoy certain features such as making the stream password protected, reordering the questions, getting instant mail notification, etc.

Embed a Q&A session in a website, to support a Google Hangout on air session

Embed a Q&A session in a website, to support a Google Hangout on air session

Brent Schlenker talked about a Hangchat in this article:

Source: If you would like to read about Google Hangouts, there is a lot published in this blog:

New feature: Sort incoming questions in Dilmot

We are proud to present another feature this week: the possibility to reorder the incoming questions to the interview.

The interface is very easy to use, and allows you to send the question to the top, to the bottom or raise it one position up or lower it one position down, as you can see in the following screenshot:

Sort incoming questions  to Dilmot

Sort incoming questions to Dilmot

This one is another premium feature. Get in touch with us to get started with!

New feature: moderate pending questions

Once again, you asked for it and our dev-team delivered! It is now possible to moderate the questions sent from the floor. You will have the option to accept or reject every question received with a simple interface:

Moderate pending questions in Dilmot Q&A

Moderate pending questions in Dilmot Q&A

Please not this is a new feature and it will be a premium feature. Get in touch with us to get your Pro account at

Dilmot now runs over ssl (https)

We are happy to announce that all traffic generated in, in all the accounts, will be routed through a secure ssl encrypted connection (https addresses instead of http) since we are using from now on a SSL certificate. You don’t have to do anything since this is an automatic address generation. All previous urls will work as usual, but will be more secure and show to the user that the content is truly generated from dilmot servers.

In the browser this is shown with a lock in the address. The example shown below is for Chrome:

Dilmot now runs over a more secure ssl connection

Dilmot now runs over a more secure ssl connection

Should you have any question, please get in touch with us.

Send someone the Proust Questionnaire

We are publishing the list of questions that form the Proust Questionnaire, so you can use it to send it to someone

But how?

It is very simple, you just need to import the list of questions that we have put in this file, which you can see here:

Proust: Your favorite virtue.
Proust: Your favorite qualities in a man.
Proust: Your favorite qualities in a woman.
Proust: What you appreciate the most in your friends.
Proust: Your main fault.
Proust: Your favourite occupation.
Proust: Your idea of happiness
Proust: What would be my greatest misfortune?
Proust: If not yourself, who would you be?
Proust: Where would you like to live?
Proust: Your favourite colour and flower.
Proust: Your favorite prose authors.
Proust: Your favorite poets.
Proust: Your favorite heroes in fiction.
Proust: Your favorite heroines in fiction.
Proust: Your favorite painters and composers.
Proust: Beethoven, Wagner, Schumann.
Proust: Your heroes in real life.
Proust: Your heroines in World history
Proust: Your favorite names.
Proust: What I hate the most.
Proust: World history characters I hate the most.
Proust: The military event I admire the most.
Proust: The reform I admire the most.
Proust: The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with.
Proust: How I wish to die
Proust: What is your present state of mind.
Proust: For what fault have you most toleration?
Proust: Your favorite motto.

Click here to download the file with the above questionnaire.

And follow the instructions in this post: How to import a lists of questions for a public Q&A

You can see what happenned when Vanity Fair sent the Proust Questionnaire to David Bowie

The result could look like this:

Proust questionnaire layout by Dilmot

Proust questionnaire layout by Dilmot