Tag Archives: Dilmot

Useful Webapps for Local Newspapers

Local newspapers are an essential part of the welfare of every community. The internet has challenged that and many local newspapers have struggled to survive with all the changes that have affected advertising and readers’ habits.

In a recent article by The Economist there is an in depth research on the new trend to recuperate the life of the local newspapers. These are some apps that will help local newspapers in this new endeavour:

1. Substack

Substack will help you add subscribers to your newsletters, and there is a possiblity to charge them. Read more at https://substack.com/local-news

2. Medium

This is another popular platform that will help your local news get more readers, and get paid while doing so. Checkout https://medium.com/creators

3. Patreon

Another cloud platform for creators of all kind, that also supports written media. Have a look at https://www.patreon.com/c/writing

And how to add real-time interviews and chats to your local news website?

We would like to take this chance to introduce you to Dilmot.com, the platform to help you organise and publish your live chats with the relevant people in your web. Check out https://www.dilmot.com/

Thank you for reading. And thank to the articles used to write this piece:



Embed YouTube video in Question, Answer, or Post for a live blogging session

Enter a YouTube video url. There are 3 ways of inserting the YouTube video:
1) The url in the browser url box:
2) The url given in the YouTube “share” option:
3) The embed code given in the YouTube “embed” option:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/me6BgmeTH3k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The final result will be something like this, in the backend:

Embed a YouTube video in a live Q&A or liveblogging session with Dilmot.com

Embed a YouTube video in a live Q&A or liveblogging session with Dilmot.com

Embed a tweet inside a live Dilmot Q&A

And we continue with our integration with the great Twitter app.

We started grabbing questions from tweets, we help you share your Q&A in Twitter, we recently launched the possibility to log in with your Twitter account and today we are launching the feature of embedding tweets in your Dilmot stream.

Embed a tweet inside a Dilmot Q&A session

Embed a tweet inside a Dilmot Q&A session

So, now, when you are live blogging and covering a live event, you may want to embed a Tweet and show it nicely with this functionality. Then only thing you have to do is to paste the specific url of the tweet, and Dilmot App will pick it up and embed it in the Twitter embed format.

In Twitter, select “Copy link to Tweet”, then you have to copy paste the given url like this:


or, select “Embed Tweet”, and you copy paste, the full embed text, like this example:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en">
<p dir="ltr" lang="en">A free tool for the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/newsroom?src=hash">#newsroom</a> in the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DigitalMedia?src=hash">#DigitalMedia</a> to publish live Q&amp;A's <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/socialmedia?src=hash">#socialmedia</a> <a href="http://t.co/htRenI9L2j">http://t.co/htRenI9L2j</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Journalism?src=hash">#Journalism</a></p>
— Dilmot (@dilmot) <a href="https://twitter.com/dilmot/status/609888259112574976">June 14, 2015</a></blockquote>

Cover a live event with liveblogging tool Dilmot.com

Live blogging is a great way to cover an event

Live blogging is a great way to cover an event

We are launching a new feature that our clients have been requesting: Liveblogging

Dilmot offers a live Q&A platform, and the way to publish “live posts” is to use the Comment functionality. We have improved it so that it is much faster to use: the form box is open and you can publish a comment just by pressing enter.

Use Dilmot as a liveblogging tool

Use Dilmot as a liveblogging tool

We also give the option to enter new lines in the text, using many options: the most traditional alt+enter, and two other alternatives: shift+enter and ctrl+enter.

In the following example, you can see how a newspaper is using this feature to discuss about football news. The design shown can be easily customized.

Live blogging example made with Dilmot.com tool

Live blogging example made with Dilmot.com tool