Tag Archives: image manipulation

Applications to join photos together and make collages

If you are looking for a solution to put images together, joining them in a sort of collage, like you can do in Instasize or Picsart in your mobile, we have reviewed the webapps that will allow you to do the same online.

You may need to create a combination of images for the web to use for example in CombineLook (http://www.combinelook.com), let’s see quick and easy ways of doing it:

Make Photo Gallery


This online tool is designed to quickly put several pictures into one and create a gallery effect. But if you take 4 pictures and select a two column layout you will obtain four images in a collage mode, like you can see in the image below:



Make a photo collage with Photovisi

Make a photo collage with Photovisi

This is the most powerful webapp that we have found. It has plenty of possible collage combinations, we have pointed above to the one we believe will be more useful for a simple collage like the one you can create with the grid in Picsart or in Instasize.



It is simple to use and does not require subscription. You can decide the number of columns and rows, and freely move the image even once uploaded. When you are finished, just click the “Join” button and you will get the result ready to be downloaded.



It allows you to resize images. Compared to photojoiner it offers more options, but you can not select the number of rows and columns. Other interesting choices is the possibility to make rounded corners, and add padding as well as margins to the images